Variances & Waivers
2018 Variances and Waivers
2018-001VW Logan Heights Preservation, LP 2018-002VW West Lake I, Ltd 2018-003VW Boca Ciega Townhomes 2018-004VW Ozanam Village II 2018-005VW Delmar Terrace South LLC 2018-006VW Gainesville Housing Development and Management Corporation 2018-007VW Le Jeune Gardens 2018-008VW Amelia Court at Creative Village Partners, Ltd. 2018-009VW West Lake I, Ltd. 2018-010VW Edward Waters College Senior Citizens Homes, Inc. 2018-011VW Dunbar Improvement Association, Inc. 2018-012VW Parramore Oaks, LLC 2018-029VW Woodland Park Redevelopment, I, LLC 2018-030VW Caribbean Village, LTD 2018-032VW SP Downs, LLC 2018-034VW West River Phase 1A, LP 2018-035VW Lake Beulah, Ltd. 2018-036VW Ovation Housing, LLLP 2018-037VW Emerald Villas Phase Two, LLC 2018-044VW Phoenix Apartments Venture, LP 2018-045VW Melbourne Leased Housing Associates II, LLLP 2018-046VW Isles of Pahokee II LLC 2018-047VW Quarry Big Coppitt, Ltd. 2018-048VW Quarry Big Coppitt II, Ltd. 2018-049VW Coral Bay Cove, LLC 2018-050VW Osceola Palos Verdes, Ltd. 2018-051VW Suncrest Court Redevelopment, LLC 2018-052VW Ridgewood Affordable, LLC 2018-053VW Society of St Vincent De Paul (Ozanam Village II) 2018-054VW Society of St Vincent De Paul (Ozanam Village III) 2018-057VW Ambar Key Homes, Ltd. 2018-058VW BDG Banyan Cove LP 2018-059VW Woodland Park Redevelopment I, LLC 2018-060VW Marathon Key Housing Partners, LP 2018-061VW Lofts at La Villa 2, Ltd. 2018-062VW Shull Manor REH, Ltd. 2018-063VW Edward Waters College Senior Citizens Home, Inc. 2018-064VW Glorieta Partners, Ltd. 2018-065VW Glorieta Partners, Ltd. 2018-066VW Dr. Alice Moore Apartments, LLLP 2018-067VW Pinnacle at Peacefield, Ltd. 2018-068VW Verbena, LLC 2018-069VW Spinal Cord Living-Assistance Development, Inc. (SCLAD) 2018-070VW Suwannee Pointe, LP 2018-071VW Blue Broadway, LLC 2018-072VW Warley Park, Ltd. 2018-073VW Redding Development Partners, LLC 2018-074VW SP HK Apartments, LLC 2018-075VW Silver Pointe Development Partners, LLC 2018-076VW Amaryllis Park Place Development Partners, LLC 2018-077VW - SPT Dolphin Park Avenue, LLC, et al. 
  • SPT DOLPHIN Avalon Reserve LLC
  • SPT DOLPHIN Osprey Ridge LLC
  • SPT DOLPHIN West Pointe LLC
  • SPT DOLPHIN Madison Chase LLC
  • SPT DOLPHIN Madison Commons LLC
  • SPT DOLPHIN Spring Harbor LLC
  • Petition
  • Order Closing File
2018-078VW Trinity Towers East Preservation Associates, LLLP 2018-079VW In the Pines, Inc. 2018-080VW Woodland Park Redevelopment I, LLC 2018-081VW St. Elizabeth Gardens Apartments, Ltd. 2018-082VW Denton Cove, Ltd.
2017 Variances and Waivers
2017-001VW EHDOC Pepper Towers Limited Partnership, LTD 2017-002VW Sunset Pointe Associates, LTD 2017-003VW Centrerra Associates, LTD 2017-004VW Heritage at Pompano Station Housing Partners, LP 2017-005VW Frenchtown Square Partners, LLC 2017-007VW West Lakes Phase I, LP 2017-008VW Landings Port Richey Senior Housing, LP 2017-015VW Monterey Point Apartments, et al 2017-016VW Harbor City Towers, LLLP 2017-017VW Delmar Terrace South, LLC 2017-026VW Dunbar Improvement Association, Inc 2017-028VW Jasmine Housing, Ltd 2017-030VW SCLAD Spinal Cord Living Assistance Development, Inc 2017-039VW Equality Park, Ltd 2017-040VW Dr. Alice Moore Apartments, LLLP 2017-041VW MLF 2 Ltd 2017-042VW Woodland Park Redevelopment I LLC 2017-043VW Suncrest Court Redevelopment LLC 2017-044VW Verbena, LLC 2017-045VW Caribbean Village, LTD 2017-046VW Cocoa Housing Preservation II, LLC 2017-047VW West Lake I, Ltd 2017-052VW Cathedral Towers, Ltd 2017-053VW SP Manor, LLC 2017-054VW Amelia Court at Creative Village, Ltd 2017-055VW Sunset Pointe Associates, Ltd 2017-056VW Centerra Associates, Ltd 2017-057VW Cabana Club Preservation, L.P. 2017-058VW RST the Pines, LP 2017-059VW SP Gardens LLC (Laburnum Gardens) 2017-060VW  Phoenix Apartments Venture LP 2017-061VW  Azure Estates FL TC, LP and Jernigan Gardens FL TC, LP. 2017-062VW  Cocoa Housing Preservation II LLC 2017-063VW  Cocoa Housing Preservation II LLC 2017-064VW  Caribbean Village, Ltd. 2017-065VW  Woodland Park Redevelopment I, LLC 2017-066VW Ability Mercy, LLC 2017-067VW GM Silver Creek, Ltd 2017-068VW Centerra Associates, Ltd. 2017-069VW St. Elizabeth Gardens Apartments, Ltd. 2017-070VW  River Oaks Partners, Ltd. 2017-071VW  Blue Broadway, LLC. 2017-072VW  River Oaks Partners, Ltd. 2017-073VW  Delmar Terrace South, LLC 2017-074VW  Redding Development Partners, LLC 2017-075VW  Sunset Pointe Associates, Ltd. 2017-076VW  Centerra Associates, Ltd. 2017-077 Dr. Alice Moore Apartments, LLLP 2017-078VW Osceola Palos Verdes, LTD 2017-079VW Coral Bay Cove, LLC 2017-080VW Centerra Associates, LTD 2017-081VW Denton Cove, LTD 2017-082VW West Lake I, LTD 2017-083VW BDG Banyan Court, LP 2017-084VW Lake Beulah, LTD 2017-085VW Logan Heights Preservation LP 2017-086VW Cameron Creek Preservation, LTD 2017-087VW Douglas Point Preservation, LTD 2017-091VW Oceanside Housing Partners, LP 2017-92VW Warley Park, Ltd
2016 Variances and Waivers
2016-001VW City Vista Associates, LLC 2016-002VW Hallmark-Floirda GP, LLC 2016-003VW Kinneret, Inc 2016-005VW Marcia Gardens, LLC 2016-010VW Southern Villas, LLC 2016-011VW Peterborough Redevelopment Associates, LLC 2016-012VW Garden Vista Preservation, LP 2016-013VW MCG Senior Apartments, LTD 2016-014VW Osprey Apartments, LLC 2016-015VW Tacolcy Tuscany Cove I, LLC 2016-020VW Southern Villas, LLC 2016-021VW SP Developments, LLC 2016-022VW Marcia Gardens, LLC 2016-023VW Stanley Terrace, Ltd 2016-024VW Crystal Lakes Redevelopment , Ltd 2016-026VW Delmar Terrace South, LLC 2016-027VW Cathedral Terrace 2, LTD 2016-033VW Brookestone I, LP 2016-034VW Talcolcy Tuscany Cove I, LLC 2016-035VW Caribbean Village, Ltd 2016-036VW Pinnacle Heights, LLC 2016-037VW Phoenix Apartments Venture, LP 2016-038VW Cypress Trace Associates, Ltd., et al 2016-039VW Joe Moretti Phase Two, LLC 2016-040VW Tacolcy Tuscany COve 1, LLC 2016-041VW Trinity Towers South Preservation Associates, LLLP 2016-047VW Royal Palm Place, Ltd 2016-053VW Cathedral Terrace 2, Ltd 2016-054VW Civic Towers Senior,LLLP and Civic Towers, LLLP 2016-055VW Trinity Towers East Perservation Associates, LLLP 2016-056VW Quest Village, Ltd 2016-057VW Houston Street Manor Limited Partnership
2015 Variances and Waivers
2015-001VW Marianna Gardens Preservation, L.P 2015-002VW Janie Poe Associates 3, LLC 2015-003VW MCG Senior Apartments, LLC 2015-004VW AMC HTG I, LTD 2015-005VW HTG Miami-Dade 5, LLC 2015-006VW SP GA Apartments, LLC 2015-007VW Harbor City Towers, LLLP 2015-014VW Renaissance Preserve IV,LLP 2015-015VW River Oaks Partners, LTD 2015-016VW SP BV Apartments, LLC 2015-017VW SP HC Apartments, LLC 2015-018VW Peterborough 2, LTD 2015-019VW Gateway Townhomes of St. Joe, LLC 2015-020VW SP Crossings, LLC 2015-026VW Dalcor Ridge Club, LTD 2015-027VW Dalcor Castle Woods, LTD 2015-028VW HTG Freedom, LLC 2015-029VW Oasis at Renaissance Preserve I, LP 2015-030VW San Juan of Osceola, LP 2015-032VW Aida Palms, LTD 2015-034VW Arbours at Tumblin Creek, LLC 2015-035VW Oakland Preserve, LLC 2015-039VW Summerset Apartments, LP 2015-040VW SP BP Apartments, LLC 2015-041VW MLF Towers 2015-042VW Osprey Apartments, LLC 2015-046VW Southwest Florida GWI Housing XVII, Inc
2014 Variances and Waivers
2014-058VW Independence Village, LLC 2014-059VW Loveland Center, Inc 2014-060VW Brickell View Terrace Apartments, LTD 2014-061VW Cypress Cathedral, LLLP 2014-065VW Fountains at Saxon Pointe Blvd., LTD 2014-066VW Karen Servant 2014-067VW Martin Lakeside Apartments, LTD 2014-071VW PC Redevelopment Partners, LLC 2014-072VW Palm Breeze Partners, LTD 2014-073VW Salt Creek Apartments, LTD 2014-074VW Heritage Park Apartments, LTD 2014-075VW Martin Lakeside Apartments, LTD 2014-076VW Lennard Road Partners, LTD 2014-077VW Towers of Jacksonville, LP 2014-078VW The Villages at Noah's Landing, LLC 2014-079VW NVC Haley Park, LTD 2014-080VW Village Park Senior Housing Partners, LTD 2014-081VW Paradise Point Senior Housing, LLC 2014-082VW HTG Miami-Dade 5, LLC 2014-086VW Urban Edge Apartments, LTD 2014-087VW Janie Poe Associates 3, LLC 2014-088VW Renaissance Preserve IV, LLC 2014-089VW The Verandas of Punta Gorda, LLLP 2014-090VW Marianna Gardens Preservation, L.P 2014-091VW The Village Miami Phase I, LTD
2013 Variances and Waivers
2013-001VW West Bartow Partnership LTD 2013-002VW Northwest Properties IV, LLC 2013-003VW Northwest Properties II, LTD 2013-004VW Ability Oakland II, LLC 2013-004VW Ability Oakland II, LLC 2013-005VW St Martins PL, LTD 2013-005VW St Martins PL, LTD 2013-006VW Dante Fascell Preservation, LLC 2013-007VW Stirrup Plaza Preservation Phase One, LLC 2013-008VW South Miami Plaza Preservation, LLC 2013-009VW Villa Aurora, LLLP 2013-011VW St. Martins PL, LTD 2013-013VW Jack Orr Plaza Preservation Phase One, LLC 2013-017VW Independence Village, LLC 2013-018VW Woodcreek Apartments, LTD 2013-019VW Cape Morris Cove Partners, L.L.L.P 2013-020VW Cape Morris Cove II Partners, L.L.L.P 2013-021VW Metro South Senior Apartments Limited Partnership 2013-022VW Village Square Family, LTD 2013-023VW Brickell View Terrace Apartments, LTD 2013-024VW The Lofts at Tarpon River, LLC 2013-025VW Lulav Square Apartments Limited Partnership 2013-026VW BHG St. Martins PL, LTD 2013-027VW Fairfield Manor, LTD 2013-028VW Northwest Properties II, LTD 2013-029VW Northwest Properties IV, LTD 2013-030VW Garden Grove Apartments, LTD 2013-031VW Martin Lakeside Apartments, LTD 2013-032VW Garden Grove Apartments, LTD 2013-033VW Pasco Richey Woods, LTD
2012 Variances and Waivers
2012-032VW Scott Carver IIC, Ltd 2012-033VW PASCO CWHIP Partners, LLC 2012-050VW MLF 2, LTD 2012-051VW Avon Park Housing Authority 2012-052VW Casa San Juan Bosco, Inc 2012-053VW Armistad Apartments, Ltd
2011 Variances and Waivers
2011-002VW - Friendship Tower, LTD 2011-003VW - Malabar Cove II, LTD 2011-004VW - Fountains At Millenia IV, LLLP 2011-005VW - Village Carver Phase I, LLC 2011-006VW-Town Parke, LTD 2011-007VW - Winchester Gardens Preservation, LP 2011-008VW - Winchester Gardens Preservation, LP 2011-009VW - Westgate Plaza Apartments, LTD 2011-012VW - MBCDC The London, LLC 2011-013VW - MBCDC The London, LLC 2011-015VW - Seville Place Holdings, Ltd 2011-016VW - Colonial Lakes Apartments, LTD 2011-018VW - Town Park, LTD
2010 Variances and Waivers
2010-001VW - Village Allapattah Phase II, LLC 2010-002VW - Creative Choice Homes XXIX, LTD 2010-003VW - Creative Choice Homes XXVIII, LTD 2010-004VW - Summit Housing Partners, LLC 2010-005VW - Villa Aurora, LLLP 2010-010VW - Florida Low Income Housing Assoc, Inc 2010-011VW - Florida Low Income Housing Assoc, Inc 2010-021VW - North Central Heights, LLC 2010-022VW - Arbours At Shoemaker Place, LLC 2010-023VW - Colony Lakes Preservation, LP 2010-024VW - Homestead III Associates, LTD 2010-025VW - Spring Lake Cove, L.L.L.P 2010-027VW - NOAH Development Corporattion 2010-029VW - American Opportunity For Housing-Greenview Manor, LP 2010-030VW - HTG Veranda Senior, LTD 2010-031VW - NVC Spring Hill, LTD 2010-032VW - PACES Foundation, Inc, et al 2010-034VW - Biscayne Apartments Association, LTD 2010-035VW - Sunrise Park Phase I, LTD 2010-036VW - Northwest Properties III, LTD 2010-037VW - Community Connections of Jacksonville, Inc 2010-039VW - Live Oak-Meadows, LP
2009 Variances and Waivers
2009-001VW - Magnolia Landing Apartments 2009-002VW - Cypress Senior Village, LLC 2009-003VW - New Singeltary Scattered Sites Limited Partnership 2009-004VW - Villa Patricia Phase II 2009-005VW - Sleepy Hollow Apartments 2009-006VW - Heron Pond Apartments 2009-007VW - Dixie Court Associates 2009-008VW - Pana Villa Redevelopment 2009-009VW - Johnson Lakes Escambia Limited Partnership 2009-010VW - Poinciana Grove LTD 2009-022VW - Cornerstone Portofino, LLC 2009-023VW - Mantee Cove, LTD 2009-024VW - Florida Non-Profit Corporation 2009-025VW - Spinal Cord Living-Assistance Development, Inc 2009-026VW - North Central Heights, LLC 2009-032VW - Gulf Breeze Apartments Partners, LTD 2009-033VW - Liberty Gateway, LTD 2009-034VW - Palafox Landing, LTD 2009-035VW - Mount Sinai Medical Center of Florida, Inc 2009-036VW - Oviedo Town Centre II Partners, LLLP 2009-037VW - Oviedo Town Development Group, LLLP 2009-038VW - Oviedo Town Centre III, LLLP 2009-039VW - Cape Morris Cove II Partners, LLLP 2009-040VW - Cape Morris Cove Partners, LLLP 2009-041VW - Fairview Cove, LLLP 2009-042VW - Malabar Cove, LLLP 2009-043VW - Rolling Acres Club II, LLLP 2009-044VW - Rolling Acres Club, LLLP 2009-045VW - Oviedo Town Centre II Partners, LLLP 2009-046VW - Oviedo Town Centre Development Group, LLLP 2009-047VW - Oviedo Town Centre III, LLLP 2009-048VW - Cape Morris Cove II Partners, LLLP 2009-049VW - Cape Morris Cove Partners, LLLP 2009-050VW - Fairview Cove, LLLP 2009-051VW - Malabar Cove, LLLP 2009-052VW - Rolling Acres Club II, LLLP 2009-053VW - Rolling Acres Club, LLLP 2009-056VW - North Central Heights, LLC 2009-057VW - MBCDC Villa Maria, LLC 2009-058VW - Creative Choice Homes XXVIII, LTD 2009-059VW - Creative Choice Homes XXIX, LTD 2009-060VW - 350 NW, LLC
2008 Variances and Waivers
2008-001VW - Oviedo Town Center Partners 2008-002VW - Spring Lake Cove 2008-003VW - Rolling Acres Club 2008-004VW - Cape Morris Cove 2008-005VW - Eclipse West Associates 2008-006VW - Maple Crest Limited Partnership 2008-007VW - Notre Dame Apartments 2008-008VW - Madison Manor 2008-009VW - Renaissance Preserve I 2008-010VW - Kathleen Pointe 2008-011VW - Liberty Center II 2008-012VW - Apopka Taylor Apartments 2008-013VW - FLIHA Atlantic Pines 2008-014VW - Friendship Tower 2008-015VW - Golden Acres 2008-016VW - West Bartow Partnership 2008-017VW - HFA of St Johns 2008-037VW - FL Low Income Housing Assoc 2008-038VW - Highlands County 2008-039VW - Community Housing Trust of Sarasota 2008-040VW - Westshore Community Development 2008-041VW - Walton County Workforce 2008-042VW - Midtown Delray 2008-043VW - Village of Quillen 2008-044VW - Community Housing Trust of Sarasota 2008-045VW - CEC Willow Lakes 2008-046VW - Eclipse West 2008-047VW - CEC Timber Trace 2008-048VW - Lamson Avenue 2008-049VW - Powers Avenue 2008-050VW - Hudson Ridge 2008-051VW - Foxtrail Acres 2008-052VW - Highland Gardens 2008-053VW - Sea Grape II 2008-054VW - Silver Sands 2008-055VW - Johnson Lakes 2008-059VW - Sunrise Commons 2008-060VW - Fairview Cove 2008-061VW - Elmwood Terrace 2008-062VW - Banyan Senior 2008-063VW - Valencia Pointe 2008-064VW - Oviedo Town Centre II 2008-065VW - Oviedo Town Center III 2008-066VW - Fountains at Millennia 2008-069VW - Eden Gardens Apartments 2008-070VW - Liberty Gateway 2008-071VW - Oaks at Stone Fountain 2008-072VW - Dixie Court III 2008-073VW - Village Carver Phase II 2008-074VW - Carlisle Group IV 2008-075VW - Sea Grape II 2008-076VW - Carlisle Group VI 2008-077VW - Sea Grape II 2008-078VW - Sea Grape II 2008-079VW - Camacol Tower 2008-080VW - The Arlington 2008-081VW - Oviedo Town Centre II Partners 2008-082VW - Fountains at Falkenburg 2008-083VW - Cape Morris Cove II Partners 2008-084VW - Cape Morris Cove Partners 2008-085VW - Rolling Acres Club II 2008-086VW - Malabar Cove 2008-087VW - Southwinds Partners 2008-088VW - St Giles Manor 2008-089VW - Oviedo Town Centre III 2008-090VW - Fountains at Millenia IV 2008-091VW - Oviedo Town Centre Development 2008-092VW - Malabar Cove II 2008-093VW - Dixie Court III 2008-095VW - Liberty Gateway 2008-096VW - St. Cloud Preserve 2008-097VW - Walton County 2008-105VW - Malabar Cove 2008-106VW - Malabar Cove II 2008-107VW - Southwinds Partners 2008-108VW - SP Highlands LP 2008-109VW - Sea Grape II 2008-110VW - Village Carver Phase I 2008-111VW - Georgia Apartments 2008-113VW - SP One 2008-114VW - Hidden Grove 2008-115VW - Malabar Cove 2008-116VW - Villa Patricia Phase III 2008-117VW - Ability Mayfair II
2007 Variances and Waivers
2007-001VW - CEDO Housing Development Corp 2007-002VW - Pensacola RRH 2007-003VW - CSA RRH 2007-004VW - THornbury RRH 2007-005VW - McCurdy Center 2007-007VW - Oviedo Town Center 2007-008VW - Pine Haven Housing 2007-009VW - Lakeside Village 2007-010VW - Villa Seton 2007-011VW - Marbella Pointe 2007-012VW - Tallman Pines 2007-013VW - Club at Eustis Village 2007-014VW - Pebble Hill 2007-015VW - Greenview Manor 2007-016VW - Dixie Court II 2007-017VW - Cutler Manor 2007-018VW - Maple Crest 2007-019VW - Englewood Senior 2007-020VW - Liberty Mortgage 2007-021VW - Madison Manor 2007-022VW - National Development Foundation 2007-023VW - Clear Harbor VHVC 2007-024VW - Fox Holow Associates 2007-025VW - Villa Aurora 2007-026VW - Tallman Pines 2007-027VW - SCLAD 2007-031VW - CEC Timber Trace 2007-036VW - Villas at Carver Park 2007-037VW - Golden Acres Redevelopment 2007-038VW - Golden Acres Phase II 2007-039VW - Pebble Hill Estates Amended Order 2007-040VW - Villas at Halifax Housing 2007-041VW - Lakeside Village Housing 2007-042VW - Pine Haven Housing 2007-043VW - Highland Gardens 2007-044VW - Friendship Tower 2007-045VW - Creative Choice Home 2007-046VW - Sea Grapes Apartments 2007-047VW - Morris Court 2007-050VW - Salt Creek Apartments 2007-051VW - Postmaster 2007-053VW - Carlisle Group VI 2007-054VW - Palafox Landing 2007-055VW - BHG 79 Street 2007-056VW - Villa Patricia Phase III 2007-057VW - Villa Patricia Phase II 2007-058VW - Sea Grape II 2007-059VW - 350 NW LLC 2007-060VW - French town Community 2007-061VW - Spanish Trace 2007-063VW - Housing and Education Allianc 2007-064VW - McCurdy Center 2007-065VW - Harding Village 2007-066VW - Maple Crest 2007-066WV - Maple Crest 2007-067VW - Silurian Pond 2007-068VW - Winter Haven Lakeside 2007-069VW - St Giles manor 2007-070VW - Eastridge Partners 2007-071VW - Landings at Carver park 2007-072VW - Lamson Avenue 2007-073VW - Pebble Hill Estates
2006 Variances and Waivers
2006-001VW - Baker Manor 2006-002VW - HPT Cypress Grove 2006-003VW - FF Realty 2006-004VW - Harbour Cove 2006-005VW - Rohnert Civic 2006-006VW - Royalton 2006-007VW - Rohnert Civic 2006-008VW - Alabaster Gardens 2006-009VW - Valencia 2006-010VW - Summerset Senior LLC 2006-011VW - Dixie Court Associates 2006-013VW - Creative Choice Homes 2006-014VW - Alabaster Gardens 2006-015VW - Clermont RRH Ltd 2006-016VW - American Opportunity for Housing Regents LLC 2006-017VW - Island Horizons 2006-018VW - Brook-Haven 2006-029VW - Casa San Juan Bosco 2006-030VW - Pelican Cove 2006-031VW - Wakulla Trace 2006-032VW - McCurdy Center Ltd 2006-033VW - Oakcrest Apartments 2006-034VW - Reliance Andrews Associates 2006-035VW - Pebble Hill Estates 2006-036VW - Oaks at Stone Fountain 2006-037VW - Royal Palms Senior Apartments 2006-038VW - Pines at Warrington 2006-039VW - Oaks at Shannons Crossing 2006-040VW - Lafayette Square Ltd 2006-041VW - Gulf Breeze Apartments Partners 2006-043VW - Royalton Apartments 2006-044VW - Pollywog Creek 2006-045VW - Royalton Apartments 2006-046VW - Royalton Apartments 2006-047VW - Pinnacle Park 2006-048VW - Pinnacle Park 2006-049VW - McCurdy Center Ltd 2006-050VW - Amber Garden 2006-051VW - Amber Garden LLC 2006-052VW - Amber Garden LLC 2006-053VW - Harbour Cove Final Order 2006-054VW - Palmetto Ridge Estates 2006-055VW - Johnson Lakes Escambia 2006-056VW - Old Orchard 2006-057VW - Andrews Place 2006-058VW - Millenia Development Group 2006-060VW - BHG 79 st LLC 2006-061VW - BHG 79th St LLC 2006-062VW - BHG 79 St LLC 2006-063VW - BHG 79 St LLC 2006-064VW - Pinnacle Park 2006-065VW - VIlla Aurora 2006-066VW - Maple Crest 2006-067VW - Harbour Cove 2006-068VW - Coral Place 2006-069VW - Merry Place at Pleasant City 2006-070VW - Liberty CenterII 2006-071VW - McCurdy Center 2006-072VW - Pinnacle Square 2006-073VW - Gulf Breeze Apartments 2006-074VW - Catholic Charities Housing 2006-076VW - Mariners Landing 2006-079VW - Pinnacle Plaza 2006-081VW - Liberty Center for the Homeless
2005 Variances and Waivers
2005-003VW - Monterey Lake 2005-004VW - Citrus County Scattered Sites III 2005-007VW - Arbours at Williston Ltd 2005-020VW - Henderson Global Investors 2005-021VW - Nantucket Cove Partners Ltd 2005-022VW - Park Richey Apartments 2005-025VW - Park at Regency Apartments 2005-026VW - Marbella Lake Apts LLC 2005-027VW - New Singletary Scattered Sites 2005-029VW - The Corinthian Apts 2005-030VW - SHA Associates 2005-031VW - Brookwood Forest Partners 2005-032VW - Lake Harris Cove Partners 2005-033VW - Liberty Center IV 2005-034VW - Florida Low Income Housing 2005-042VW - St Johns County 2005-043VW - Miami-Dade Infill 2005-045VW - Arbours at Madison 2005-046VW - Hatton House 2005-047VW - Carrfour Supportive Housing 2005-048VW - Village Centre Apts 2005-049VW - Grande Oaks 2005-050VW - Oaks at Shannons Crossing 2005-051VW - Green Cay Village Apts 2005-052VW - Finlay Interests 13 Ltd 2005-054VW - Pine Haven Housing 2005-055VW - Lakeside Village 2005-056VW - Wakulla Trace 2005-057VW - Eagle Ridge Subdivision 2005-059VW - Fox Hollow 2005-060VW - HuntingtonReserve
2004 Variances and Waivers
2004-005VW - SHA Assoc Spring Haven 2004-006VW - Hunters Run 2004-007VW - Sawgrass Pines 2004-009VW - BCCC Inc Park Green 2004-010VW - Emerald Dunes Apartments 2004-011VW - Lakeside Commons 2004-012VW - Liberty Center 2004-014VW - HamptonPoint 2004-015VW - St Johns Co 2004-016VW - Miami-Dade Infill 2004-036VW - Okaloosa Community Development 2004-039VW - Sandhill Enterprises Inc 2004-042VW - Catholic Charities Housing Inc 2004-046VW - Finlay Interests 46 Ltd 2004-047VW - Alabaster Gardens 2004-048VW - Charlotte Crossing 2004-049VW - Reliance Cypress Grove Associates Ltd 2004-050VW - Mount Carmel Gardens Inc 2004-053VW - The Palms at Vero Beach 2004-054VW - Wickham Club Partners 2004-055VW - Wickham Park 2004-056VW - Clearlake Crossings
2003 Variances and Waivers
2001-082VW - YBOR III Ltd DOAH 2003-026VW - Island Place 2003-028VW - Lakeland Polk Housing Corp 2003-039VW - Meridian West Carlisle Group
2025 Variances and Waivers
2025-015VW The Park at Palo Alto, LLC 2025-014VW The Landings at Sugarloaf Key, LLC 2025-013VW WHFT Affordable II, Ltd 2025-004VW Southwick Commons, Ltd 2025-003VW POAH CM Redevelopment, LLC 2025-002VW Beacon at Creative Village Partners, Ltd 2025-001VW Osprey Sound Apartments, LP
2024 Variances and Waivers
2024-080VW Miami Beach Housing Initiatives, Inc 2024-079VW Miami Beach Housing Initiatives, Inc 2024-078VW RGC Phase I, LLC 2024-077VW Casa Sant'Angelo Ltd 2024-074VW Citadelle Village, LLC 2024-069VW Goodlette Arms Preservation, LP 2024-068VW Federation Davie Preservation, LP 2024-067VW Federation Gould Preservation, LP 2024-066VW Trenton Preservation, LP 2024-065VW Wilson West Preservation, LP 2024-064VW Harbour Place Preservation, LP 2024-063VW Century Woods Preservation, LP 2024-062VW Timbers Preservation, LP 2024-061VW Pollywog Creek Mews, LLC 2024-060VW Phoenix Crossings, LLC 2024-059VW Morris Manor, LLLP 2024-058VW Sovereign at Harbor West, LLC 2024-057VW Sovereign at Parkside East, LLC 2024-056VW Notre Maison I, LLLP 2024-048VW Cocoa Leased Housing Associates I, LLLP 2024-047VW Fairfield Abbey Park, LP 2024-046VW Tampa 47th Street Apartments, LLC 2024-045VW Pine Island Park, LLC 2024-044VW Sovereign at Harbor West, LLC 2024-043VW Sovereign at Parkside East, LLC 2024-042VW Timshel Multifamily 2, LLC 2024-041VW Roseland Gardens, LLLP 2024-040VW HFH Fox Pointe, LLC 2024-039VW Solimar Associates, Ltd 2024-038VW WRDG T3D, LP 2024-036VW Ambar Trail Ltd 2024-035VW Holy Child Housing Inc 2024-034VW Apopka Leased Housing Associates I LLLP 2024-033VW Orangewood Preservation LP 2024-032VW Timbers Preservation LP 2024-031VW Trenton Preservation LP 2024-030VW Prairie Oaks Preservation LP 2024-029VW Citrus Glen Preservation Ltd 2024-028VW Rome Yards Phase 3A LLC 2024-027VW Pollywog Creek Mews LLC 2024-026VW AMC HTG 2, Ltd 2024-025VW Morris Court III, Ltd 2024-024VW Holy Child Housing, Inc 2024-023VW Citadelle Village, LLC 2024-022VW Miami Beach Housing Initiatives, Inc. 2024-021VW Silver Lakes Village VOA Affordable Housing, LP 2024-020VW Emerald Villas Phase Three, LLC 2024-015VW Block 55 Residential, LP 2024-014VW Keys Affordable Development IV, LLC 2024-013VW Federation Gould Preservation, LP 2024-012VW Lakeview Tower Venture, LP 2024-011VW Federation Davie Preservation, LP 2024-010VW Federation Sunrise Preservation, LP 2024-009VW Sable Palms Preservation, LP 2024-008VW Federation Towers Preservation, LP 2024-007VW Federation Gardens Preservation, LP 2024-006VW Forest & Village Preservation, LP 2024-005VW Beachwood Preservation, LP 2024-004VW Apollo Gardens, LLLP 2024-002VW Fairfield Running Brook II, LP 2024-001VW Miami Beach Housing Initiatives, Inc.
2023 Variances and Waivers
2023-099VW Delmar Terrace South, LLC 2023-098VW Miami Beach Housing Initiatives, Inc. 2023-097VW Cherry Village, LP 2023-088VW Homestead Portfolio, LP 2023-086VW Fairfield Running Brook II, LP 2023-085VW Douglas Gardens IV, Ltd. 2023-084VW Parkwood Plaza Apartments, Ltd. 2023-083VW Beacon at Creative Village, Ltd. 2023-082VW Orlando Leased Housing Associates XI, LLLP 2023-081VW Everglades Village Phase 5.6, LLC 2023-080VW Vineland Family Apartments, Ltd. 2023-079VW Pollywog Creek Mews, LLC 2023-078VW Silver Lakes Village VOA Affordable Housing, LP 2023-077VW Osprey Sound Apartments, LP 2023-070VW Sandcastles Foundation, Inc. 2023-069VW Cross Creek Gardens at Quincy, LLC 2023-068VW College Preservation, LP 2023-067VW Miami Beach Housing Initiatives, Inc. 2023-066VW HTG Oasis, Ltd. 2023-065VW Blue CASL Dade, LLC 2023-064VW Vineland Family Apartments, Ltd. 2023-063VW Naranja Grand II, LLC 2023-062VW 414 East Pine Street, LP 2023-061VW Fort Myers Leased Housing Associates I, LLLP 2023-060VW Kissimmee Leased Housing Associates III, LLLP 2023-059VW Mandarin Trace Apartments, LP 2023-058VW Parkwood Plaza Apartments, Ltd. 2023-057VW Liberty Square Phase Four, LLC 2023-054VW Southwick Commons, Ltd. 2023-053VW WRDG T3B, LP 2023-052WRDG T3C, LP 2023-049VW Melissa Grove, Ltd. 2023-046VW WRDG T3A, LP 2023-045VW Fairfield Cedar Grove, LP 2023-044VW Fairfield Running Brook II, LP 2023-043VW Fairfield Miami Gardens, LP 2023-042VW Blue CASL Dade, LLC 2023-041VW Pinnacle at La Cabana, LLLP 2023-040VW AMC HTG 2, Ltd. 2023-039VWRCG Phase I, LLC 2023-038VW Naranja Grand Senior, Ltd. 2023-037VW Heritage Oaks, LLLP 2023-036VW College Trace Apartments, L.P 2023-035VW Sandcastles Foundation, Inc. 2023-034VW Malibu Bay Preservation, Ltd. 2023-033VW Harper's Pointe, LP 2023-032VW BDG Banyan East Town, LLC 2023-030VW Southwick Commons, Ltd. 2023-029VW Homestead Portfolio, LP 2023-028VW The Landings at Sugarloaf Key, LLC 2023-027VW Dockside Landing at Sugarloaf Key, LLC 2023-026VW Quail Roost Transit Village I, Ltd. 2023-025VW Culmer Apartments, Ltd. 2023-024VW Sunrise Affordable, LLC 2023-023VW The Moorings Affordable, LLC 2023-021VW Sandcastles Foundation, Inc. 2023-004VW Innovare, LP 2023-003VW Citadelle Village, LLC 2023-002VW Hampton Point Preservation, Ltd. 2023-001VW EHDOC Council Towers Limited Partnership 2022-022VW Pablo Hamlet, LLLP
2022 Variances and Waivers
2022-067VW Affordable Housing Solutions of Florida, Inc. 2022-066VW Valor Preserve, LLLP 2022-065VW AMC HTG 2, Ltd. 2022-064VW RGC Phase I, LLC 2022-063VW CP Renaissance, LLC 2022-062VW Fletcher Black II, LLC 2022-061VW The Village of Casa Familia, Ltd. 2022-060VW Southwick Commons, Ltd. 2022-059VW Princeton Crossings, LLC 2022-058VW Hampton Point Preservation, Ltd. 2022-057VW Sandcastles Foundation, Inc. 2022-056VW BDG Banyan East Town, LLC 2022-055VW Little Haiti Gateway, LLC 2022-054VW Pinellas Affordable Living, Inc. 2022-053VW Creekside Manor VOA Affordable Housing, LP 2022-052VW Casa Dolores Huerta, LLC 2022-051VW City Place Apartments, Ltd. 2022-050VW Beacon at Creative Village Partners, Ltd. 2022-049VW Southwest Hammocks, LLLP 2022-048VW Casa II Venture, LP 2022-047VW MHP FL X LLLP 2022-046VW Arbours at Quincy, LLC 2022-045VW Solimar Associates, Ltd. 2022-044VW Water's Edge Associates, Ltd. 2022-043VW Marquis Partners, Ltd. 2022-042VW Casa Devon Venture, LP 2022-041VW Fairfield Cedar Grove, LP 2022-040VW Fairfield Miami Gardens, LP 2022-039VW SP Park, LLC 2022-038VW Miami Beach Housing Initiatives, Inc. 2022-037VW Citadelle Village, LLC 2022-036VW Canal Grove Side Apartments, Ltd. 2022-035VW Silver Lakes Village VOA Affordable Housing, LP 2022-034VW Platform 3750 II, LLC 2022-033VW Valor Preserve, LLLP 2022-032VW Cathedral Townhouse, Ltd. 2022-030VW MHP FL X LLLP 2022-029VW Country Club Magnolia Family II, LP 2022-028VW Country Club Magnolia Family, LP 2022-027VW Creekside Manor VOA Affordable Housing, LP 2022-025VW SP Village, LLC 2022-024VW SP Daytona, LLLP 2022-023VW SP Park LLC 2022-022VW Timber Sound Preservation, LP 2022-021VW Heritage Preservation LP 2022-020VW Quail Roost Transit Village I, Ltd. 2022-019VW San Alfonso Housing, Inc. 2022-018VW Meadow Park Apartments, LLC 2022-017VW Hermosa Arcadia, LLC 2022-016VW Liberty Square Phase Four, LLC 2022-015VW HTG Rainbow Housing, Ltd. 2022-014VW HTG Banyan, LLC 2022-013VW HTG Valencia II, Ltd. 2022-012VW HTG Heron Estate Family LLC 2022-011VW HTG Oak Valley, Ltd. 2022-010VW HTG Fiori, LLC 2022-009VW HTG Lafayette, LLC 2022-008VW Pinnacle 441, LLC 2022-007VW Millennia Jacksonville FL TC, LP 2022-006VW The Landings at Sugarloaf Key, LLC 2022-005VW Dockside at Sugarloaf Key, LLC 2022-004VW Poinciana Leased Housing Associates I, LLLP 2022-003VW Ashley Square Jacksonville, Ltd. 2022-002VW MHP Collier, Ltd. 2022-001VW Valor Preserve, LLLP
2021 Variances and Waivers
2021-105VW Sonata Apartments, Ltd. 2021-099VW Hogan Creek Redevelopment Partners, LLC 2021-098VW Fairfield Running Brook, LP 2021-097VW Citadelle Village, LLC 2021-096VW Paces Gateway Manor, LLC 2021-095VW The WM at the River, LP 2021-094VW Culmer Apartments, Ltd. 2021-093VW Valor Preserve, LLLP 2021-092VW Miami Beach Housing Initiatives, Inc. 2021-091VW Praxis Venture, LP 2021-090VW Country Club Magnolia Family, LP 2021-089VW 414 East Pine Street, LP 2021-088VW POAH Cutler Manor, LLC 2021-087VW Merritt Place Estates, LLC 2021-086VW Rochester Park, Ltd. 2021-085VW Durham Place, Ltd. 2021-082VW Puerta Del Sol VOA Affordable Housing, LP 2021-081VW Park Towers Assisted Housing Preservation, LP 2021-080VW Tallman Pines HR, Ltd. 2021-079VW Parramore Oaks Phase Two, LLC 2021-078VW Block 55 Residential, LP 2021-077VW SJ Residences Preservation, LP 2021-076VW SA Residences Preservation, LP 2021-075VW Innovare, LP 2021-074VW PMG Affordable, LLC 2021-073VW Tranquility Milton, LLC 2021-072VW Amaryllis Park Place II, LLC 2021-071VW Westside Phase I, LLLP 2021-070VW Arbours at Merrillwood I, LLLP 2021-069VW Cedar Grove, LP 2021-068VW WM at the River, LP 2021-067VW HTG Orchid Lake, Ltd. 2021-066VW HTG Liberty, LLC 2021-065VW HTG Village View LLC 2021-064VW Ambar Riverview, Ltd. 2021-063VW HTG Hammock Ridge II, LLC 2021-062VW HTG Paradise, LLC 2021-061VW Lake Beulah, Ltd 2021-060VW HTG Osprey Pointe, LLC 2021-059VW HTG Palms, LLC 2021-058VW HTG Creekside, LLC 2021-057VW HTG Addision, LLC 2021-056VW HTG Luna, LLC 2021-055VW Redding Development Partners, LLC 2021-054VW Kelsey Cove, Ltd 2021-053VW Wells Landing Apartments LLC 2021-052VW Independence Landing, LLC 2021-051VW Naranja Lakes Housing Partners, LP 2021-050VW HTG Oak Villas, LLC 2021-049VW Citadelle Village, LLC 2021-048VW Timbers Preservation, LP 2021-047VW Trenton Preservation, LP 2021-046VW Orangewood Preservation, LP 2021-045VW Orlando Leased Housing Associates VII, LLLP 2021-044VW Fletcher Black Redevelopment, LLC 2021-043VW SP Lake LLC 2021-042VW Palm Harbor Senior Housing Limited Partnerhip 2021-041VW Cedar Oaks Senior Housing Limited Partnership 2021-040VW Amelia Village LP 2021-039VW NV Homestead Apartments LP 2021-038VW Tupelo Park, LP 2021-037VW Paces Gateway Manor, LLC 2021-036VW CORE MHP Collier, Ltd. 2021-035VW The Village of Casa Familia, Ltd. 2021-034VW SP Forest, LLC 2021-033VW SP Village LLC 2021-032VW The Park at Palo Alto, LLC 2021-028VW LRC Desert-Silver, LLC 2021-026VW Cathedral Townhouse, Ltd. 2021-025VW Block 55 Residential, LP 2021-024VW Orlando Leased Housing Associates XI, LLLP 2021-023VW St. John Plaza Apartments, LLC 2021-022VW Oasis at Renaissance Preserve I, LP 2021-021VW Marianna Crossings, LLC 2021-012VW MBCDC:  The Allen, LLC 2021-004VW SP Gardens, LLC 2021-003VW Dockside at Sugarloaf Key, LLC 2021-002VW The Landings at Sugarloaf Key, LLC 2021-001VW Citadelle Village, LLC
2020 Variances and Waivers
2020-077VW Silver Pointe Development Partners, LLC 2020-071VW Ambar Trail, Ltd. 2020-070VW Hogan Creek Redevelopment Partners, LLC 2020-069VW Promise in Brevard, LLC 2020-068VW Brandon Preserve, Ltd. 2020-067VW Tupelo Park, LP 2020-066VW Seven on Seventh, Ltd. 2020-065VW Caroline Arms Preservation, Ltd. 2020-064VW Hawthorne Park, Ltd. 2020-063VW BDG Royal Park Apartments, LP 2020-062VW Innovare LP 2020-061VW Malibu Bay Preservation, Ltd. 2020-060VW SP Terrace, LLC 2020-059VW Valor Preserve, LLLP 2020-058VW LRC Desert-Silver, LLC 2020-056VW Lofts on Lemon Development Partners, LLC 2020-055VW Civic Towers Senior, LLLP 2020-054VW Civic Towers, LLLP 2020-053VW Platform 3750 II, LLC 2020-052VW Seven on Seventh Ltd. 2020-051VW Lakeview Tower Venture LP 2020-050VW Valencia Park Preservation, Ltd. 2020-049VW Poinciana Crossing, Ltd 2020-048VW Poinciana Crossing Ltd. 2020-045VW Springfield Crossings, LLC 2020-044VW Civic Towers Senior, LLLP 2020-043VW Citadelle Village, LLC 2020-042VW Dockside at Sugarloaf Key, LLC 2020-041VW The Landings at Sugarloaf Key, LLC 2020-035VW Lofts on Lemon Development Partners, LLC 2020-034VW Palmetto Leased Housing Associates I, LLLP 2020-033VW Hilltop Pointe, LC 2020-032VW VC Cathedral, LLC 2020-031VW Hidden Grove Housing, LP 2020-030VW MBCDC:  The Allen, LLC 2020-029VW Verbena, LLC 2020-012VW HTG Paradise, LLC 2020-011VW Tacolcy Edison Gardens, LLC 2020-010VW HTG Village View, LLC 2020-004VW Centennial Towers, Ltd. 2020-003VW Keys Affordable Development II, LLC 2020-002VW Citadelle Village, LLC 2020-001VW Houston Street Manor Limited Partnership
2019 Variances and Waivers
2019-111VW Meridian Preservation, LP 2019-110VW Reflections Preservation, LP 2019-101VW HTG Rainbow Housing, Ltd. 2019-100VW HTG Paradise, LLC 2019-099VW HTG Village View, LLC 2019-098VW HTG Creekside, LLC 2019-097VW Residences at Dr. King Boulevard, Ltd. 2019-096VW Hogan Creek Redevelopment Partners, LLC 2019-095VW Campus Towers Apartments LLLP 2019-094VW MHP Jordan Bayou, LLC 2019-093VW MHP Jordan Bayou, LLC 2019-092VW Lofts on Lemon  Development Partners, LLC 2019-091VW Amaryllis Park Place Development Partners, LLC 2019-090VW Suncrest Court Redevelopment, LLC 2019-089VW Fairfield Abbey Park, LP 2019-088VW Jordan Park, LLC 2019-087VW Redland Crossings, LLC 2019-086VW WRDG T3A LP 2019-085VW Arbours at Hester Lake, LLC 2019-084VW Fair Oaks, LLC 2019-083VW Cathedral Townhouse, Ltd. 2019-082VW Pinellas Affordable Living, Inc. 2019-081VW Blue Pinellas, LLC 2019-080VW GM Silver Creek, Ltd. 2019-079VW Residences at Dr. King Boulevard, Ltd. 2019-078VW St. Elizabeth Gardens Apartments, Ltd. 2019-077VW St. Andrew Towers I, Ltd. 2019-076VW HTG Valencia II, Ltd. 2019-075VW Clermont Ridge, Ltd. 2019-074VW Rosemary Village Apartments, LLLP 2019-073VW Cannery Row at Redlands Crossing, LLLP 2019-072VW Edison Terraces, LLC 2019-071VW Casa Juarez, LLC 2019-070VW Northside Commons Residential, LLC 2019-069VW Water's Edge Associates, Ltd. 2019-068VW Villa Capri II Associates, Ltd. 2019-067VW Blue CASL II, LLC 2019-066VW Society of St. Vincent De Paul South Pinellas, Inc. (Ozanam Village Village III) 2019-065VW Citadelle Village LLC 2019-064VW Society of St. Vincent De Paul South Pinellas, Inc. (Ozanam Village II) 2019-063VW Woodland Grove Apartments, LLC 2019-062VW Federation Gardens Preservation LP 2019-061VW Sailboat Bend II, Ltd. 2019-060VW Springhill Apartments, LLC 2019-059VW BDG Hibiscus Apartments, LP 2019-057VW SP Park LLC 2019-056VW Villa Capri II Associates, Ltd. 2019-055VW Sunset Pointe Associates, Ltd. 2019-054VW HTG Addison, LLC 2019-053VW Sulzbacher Center for Women and Children, Ltd. 2019-049VW Venetian Walk Partners II, LLLP 2019-048VW Fair Oaks, LLC 2019-047VW Residences at Dr. King Boulevard, Ltd. 2019-046VW Northside Property II, Ltd. 2019-045VW Sailboat Bend II, LTD. 2019-044VW Tacolcy Edison Gardens, LLC 2019-043VW Vista Pines Partners, Ltd. 2019-042VW Vineland Landings Partners, Ltd. 2019-041VW Westwood Park Partners, Ltd. 2019-040VW Concord Court at Creative Village Partners, Ltd. 2019-039VW Woodland Grove Apartments, LLC 2019-038VW Denton Cove, Ltd. 2019-037VW Vero Beach Leased Housing Associates III, LLLP 2019-036VW Orlando Leased Housing Associates XI, LLLP 2019-035VW Society of St. Vincent De Paul South Pinellas, Inc. 2019-026VW Lake Beulah, Ltd. 2019-025VW WRDG T3A, LP 2019-024VW Centerra Associates, Ltd. 2019-023VW Rosemary Village Apartments, LLP 2019-022VW Woodland Park Redevelopment I, LLC 2019-021VW HTG Palms, LLC 2019-020VW Campus Towers Senior Living, Inc. 2019-007VW Crystal Cove Housing Partners, LP 2019-006VW Marathon Key Housing Partners, LP 2019-005VW Ambar Key, Ltd. 2019-004VW Ambar Key Homes, Ltd. 2019-003VW Ovation Housing, LLLP 2019-002VW Arbors at Hester Lake, LLC 2019-001VW Ovation Housing, LLLP