Live Local Program Tax Credit 
Live Local Program Tax Credit Money Meter_071924 

The Live Local Tax Credit Program gives businesses the opportunity to contribute to the Florida Housing Finance Corporation to benefit the State Apartment Incentive Loan (SAIL) Program, which provides low-interest loans for the development of quality affordable rental housing that can benefit a community's workforce, families, and elders with low-to-moderate incomes, with the additional focus on developing large scale projects of significant regional impact. The Live Local Program Tax Credit provides businesses with an incredible opportunity to impact housing needs for Floridians at this critical time by directing their tax liability to support affordable housing programs. Every $1 million in tax credit contribution funds approximately 20 additional units of affordable housing for families and elders throughout the state.

Source: Section 420.50872, F.S.

Live Local Program Tax Credit Contribution FAQ

Apply to the Live Local program Tax Credit through the Florida Department of Revenue

Make Your Tax Credit Contribution Payment to Florida Housing

Instructions to Make Tax Credit Contribution Payment

Live Local Program Tax Credit ListServ

For questions or comments regarding the Tax Credit Contribution Program email

Link to RFAs available for this funding: